Saturday, May 9, 2009

Workshop in Bioinformatics

ICMR Sponsored
Sixth National Workshop on
“Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology &
Bio-informatics in Pharmacogenomics”
07-12 September , 2009
Pharmacogenomics Laboratory
JIPMER, Puducherry
Last date for receipt of registration form: 07.07.2009
Organized by
ICMR Centre for Advance
Research in Pharmacogenomics
Department of Pharmacology, JIPMER
Joint Organisers
Vector Control Research Centre, Puducherry
Pondicherry University
􀂔 To provide training in basic molecular biology techniques required
in pharmacogenetic studies
􀂔 To impart web-based training in basic concepts of bio-informatics
􀂔 To impart theoretical knowledge on some of the recently developed
molecular biology tools
􀂔 To create a knowledge base of elementary medical genetics towards
carrying out pharmacogenetic and related research
Target participants
This workshop is intended for beginners in molecular biology and
bio-informatics, with a focus on ‘Pharmacogenomics’. A total of 30
participants will be admitted, preferably young/middle aged faculty
members and post-graduate students of pharmacology.
Course content
􀀉 The duration of the workshop is 6 days and will include practical
demonstrations and hands-on training in molecular biology
techniques such as DNA and RNA extraction, quality check and
quantification of DNA and RNA, the polymerase chain reaction -
restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), gel
electrophoresis: horizontal and vertical. Demonstrations of Real
time-PCR and DNA sequencer.
􀀉 Bioinformatics will include locating the gene sequence of interest,
identification of the PCR product, primer design, and selection of
the restriction endonucleases.
􀀉 Lectures will be held on the elements of medical genetics, Real time
PCR, DNA sequencing, high throughput screening for detection of
mutations, introduction to haplo analysis etc.
Workshop Fee
􀃔 The registration fee for the workshop is Rs. 1500/-.
􀃔 Food: Breakfast, Working lunch and tea & snacks will be provided
during the workshop. Participants will have to make their own
arrangement for dinner at their cost.
􀃔 Accommodation (Non-AC) will be provided (for 6 days from 06th
September 2009 AN). No claim for any specific type of accommodation or
hotel bill (e.g. telephone, laundry etc) will be allowed.
􀃔 Travel support (limited to III AC train fare) will be given subject to
availability of funds.

1 comment:

Jhon mac said...

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Pharmacogenetic test