Thursday, April 1, 2010

Immunohistochemistry CME

Tata Memorial Hospital, Department of Pathology is
pleased to announce a course on
“An approach to Immunohistochemical evaluation of
common tumors”
Venue : Chokshi Auditorium, G.J. Block, Tata Memorial
Hospital, Parel, Mumbai
Dates : 9 – 11th June 2010
A one day Hands-on workshop will be followed by
discussion of cases pertaining to Lymph node,
Musculoskeletal tumors, Breast and Gynaec tumors, and
miscellaneous sites and will highlight the role of IHC in
routine surgical pathology practice .
Day 1 (9th June) : Immunohistochemistry “Hands-on”
training workshop ( maximum 40 participants)
Day 2 (10th June) : A microscopy glass slide viewing
session with immunohistochemistry workup (comprising 50
cases) (maximum 75 participants)
Participants are requested to bring their own microscopes
for slide viewing.
Day 3 (11th June):Discussion on the slides kept for viewing.
Registration fee Day 1, 2 & 3 : Rs. 3000
Registration for Day 2 & 3 : Rs. 2000
Registration for Day 3 only : Rs. 500
Please look out for further details on :
For any specific queries write to :
Dr. Nirmala Jambhekar
Prof & Head, Department of Pathology,

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