Friday, May 22, 2009

ISCCM One year Diploma in Critical Care

ISCCM Courses
Types of courses
The one year ISCCM certificate course in critical care will now be called the Indian Diploma in Critical Care (IDCC) and will continue in a modified form for students interested in a shorter training course.
One - year post diploma course Indian fellowship in Critical Care (IFCC) that is similar to post graduate training in critical care offered by the DNB or by similar courses abroad. The competencies & training for this course will be a modified version of the recommendations of the CoBaTrICE initiative. The CoBaTrICE is an international project initiated by the ESICM for standardizing training & assessment in intensive care. The ISCCM played an active part in the CoBaTrICE project which was completed in September 2006.
Duration of Course
Duration of the Indian Diploma in Critical Care course (IDCC) will be one year for MD/MS/DNB candidates and 2 years for DA/DTCD or equivalent candidates. Students will need to produce certificate of equivalence either from the MCI or state medical council.
Duration of the Indian Fellowship in Critical Care course (IFCC) is for one year post-IDCC
IDCC candidates will be selected as below by the respective institutes based on their eligibility which should be confirmed by the individual teachers & institutes
“IFCC” candidates are selected after they pass the “IDCC” exam by recognized centres
Candidates shall be selected by the ISCCM recognized teachers of the institution
The list of recognized institutes/teachers and their contact details are available on the ISCCM website or are available on request from the ISCCM Course Coordinator
Candidates need to apply to the recognized institute of their choice directly (forms for IDCC and IFCC courses are available on website)
Candidates will require to be paid a salary/stipend as per the rules of the institute where they are appointed. This should be no different from the salary/stipend that other similarly qualified employees receive at that institute.

Last date for July 2009 IDCCM Exam registration -15th June 2009.
For complete list of vacncies for IDCCM July 2009 Batch see the website.


Deb said...

Kolkata instutions r saturated and typically have waiting time of one year where u work for d selected instution for peanuts..killing d whole meaning of making this an one year course

Deb said...

Kolkata instutions r saturated and typically have waiting time of one year where u work for d selected instution for peanuts..killing d whole meaning of making this an one year course

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