Wednesday, April 15, 2009

DUSET 2009

The Super-specialty Entrance Test (SET) for admission to following courses will be held on
Saturday the 6th June, 2009 and Sunday the 7th June, 2009 at Delhi. Interested candidates
may apply on the prescribed form.
1. DM (Cardiology)
2. DM (Neurology)
3. DM (Medical Gastroenterology)
4. M.Ch. (Cadio-Vascular & Thoracic Surgery)
5. M.Ch. (Surgical Gastroenterology)
6. M.Ch. (Neuro-Surgery)
7. M.Ch. (Paediatric Surgery)
The application form along with Bulletin of Information may be obtained from the office of the
Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Medical Sciences, 6th Floor, V.P. Chest Institute Building,
University of Delhi, Delhi- 110007, against a crossed M.I.C.R. Bank Draft/ Banker’s Cheque
only drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of the ‘Registrar, University of Delhi’ payable
at Delhi in the following manner:
(i) By hand for Rs. 2000/- (Rs. Two Thousand only) between 10:00 A.M. to
03:00 P.M. on all working days from 24th April, 2009 to 18th May, 2009.
(ii) By post for Rs. 2050/- (Rs. Two Thousand and Fifty only) along with a self
addressed envelope of 10" X 8" upto 6th May, 2009.
Eligibility: The candidate must have passed the Post-Graduate (MD/MS) examination on or
before 30th May, 2009 of the University of Delhi or any other examination recognized equivalent
thereto by the University of Delhi and Medical Council of India.
Application form duly filled in and complete in all respects should reach the Assistant Registrar,
Faculty of Medical Sciences, 6th Floor, V. P. Chest Institute Building, University of Delhi,
Delhi – 110 007 on or before 18th May, 2009 upto 03:00 P.M.
1. Candidates are required to apply separately for each of the above mentioned
2. The candidate should mention his/her name and address at the back of the Bank
Draft/ Banker’s Cheque. The candidates are advised to retain a photocopy of the
Bank Draft/ Banker’s Cheque.
3. For detailed information please consult the Bulletin of Information.

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